What Are Hypnosis & NLP?
Some common questions about hypnosis, hypnotherapy and NLP
Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not a state of deep sleep. It does however involve the induction of a relaxing ‘trance-like’ state, but when in it, the patient is actually in a heightened state of awareness (HSA), concentrating entirely on the hypnotherapist’s voice. In this state, the conscious mind is in neutral and the sub-conscious mind is revealed.
The hypnotherapist is able to suggest ideas, concepts and lifestyle adaptations to the patient, the seeds of which can become firmly planted.
How Does Hypnosis Work?
Hypnosis is thought to work by altering our state of consciousness in such a way that the analytical left-hand side of the brain is turned off, while the non-analytical right-hand creative side is made more alert.
The conscious control of the mind is relaxed (day dreaming), and the subconscious / unconscious mind awoken. Since the subconscious mind is a deeper-seated, more instinctive force than the conscious mind, this is the part which has to change for the patient’s habits, behaviours and physical state to alter.
For example, a patient who consciously wants to overcome their fear of spiders may try everything they consciously can to do it, but will still fail as long as their sub-conscious mind retains this terror – thus preventing the patient from succeeding.
Progress can only be made by re-programming the subconscious / unconscious landscape of the mind so that deep-seated instincts and beliefs are challenged, abolished, dissolved, altered or even re-routed to something healthier.
Stop Smoking Testimonials
"There seems to be no amount of stress or alcohol that can make me even consider having a cigarette. I don’t feel any need to smoke & I don’t miss it at all."Jessica Dunlop
"In only 60 minutes I quickly and easily stopped smoking without cravings, anxiety or weight gain. This program helped me kick the habit… without any suffering"Sandra
"Hi Max. Don't know if you remember me, but just to let you know that last Sunday marked two years without a single cigarette. Thanks again!"Geoff (ex-50 a day smoker)
"Still not smoking, but best of all no desire to. Not even in trigger situations. And no unwanted weight gain! Weh hey!! Thank you so much"Andrea
What Form Might The Treatment Take?
Firstly, any misconceptions a potential patient may have about hypnosis should be dispelled. There is no loss of control. This idea is a complete myth. The therapy process does not involve the patient being put into a deep sleep, and the patient cannot be made to do anything they would not ordinarily do.
They remain fully awake and aware of their surroundings and situation, and are not vulnerable to every or any given command of the therapist. The important thing is that the patient wants to change some behavioural habit or addiction and is highly motivated to do so. They have to WANT the treatment to work and must establish a good clinical rapport with the therapist in order for it to do so.
The readiness and ability of patients to be hypnotised varies considerably and hypnotherapy sometimes requires a number of sessions in order to achieve meaningful results.
However combined with the science of NLP, stopping smoking for example is usually achieved in just one single session. Walk in a smoker, walk out a non-smoker. It is useful to know that the patient can also learn self-hypnosis techniques which can also be practiced at home, to reinforce the usefulness of formal sessions with the therapist. This can particularly help to counter the affects of stress and anxiety related conditions.
Hypnosis or the state of trance is a natural state of the mind. When ‘under’ or in hypnosis you will often feel very relaxed, just like that wonderful feeling when you are tired lying in your bed and you are so overcome with comfort that you wish the moment could last forever.
By using simple hypnotic relaxation techniques you can easily attain this state at which time it becomes easy, with the help of a trained hypnotherapist to visualise yourself becoming healthier, happier, and more confident.
What's The Process? How Does It Work?
Max Kirsten has developed his own form of Advanced hypnosis called The Kirsten Technique™. It is a unique hybrid of hypnotherapy / NLP / CBT techniques that is simple, elegant and highly successful.
The Kirsten Technique™ is a powerful, refined and effective way to help you stop smoking successfully for good. Quite simply, it provides both the structure and the method to bring about the quickest, most effective therapy for the client. Using cognitive hypnosis with NLP as its foundation, it enables the hypnotherapist to get to the heart of the problem in often just one single session. *For all other issues except quitting smoking Max Kirsten’s therapy process usually take between 2-5 sessions.
To some the technique seems ‘miraculous’, particularly for clients who have spent years in counselling, psychotherapy, analysis etc. gets to the very cause of the problem. The high success rate comes from the unique combination of hypnosis, NLP and latest cognitive behavioural techniques. The combination of hypnosis and NLP can help you to stop smoking.
What Is NLP?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP, is the science of how the brain codes learning and experience. This coding affects all communication and behavior. It affects how you learn and how you experience the world around you. It is a key to reaching goals and achieving excellence.
NLP is a model of communication that focuses on identifying and using patterns of thought that influence a person’s behaviour as a means of improving the quality and effectiveness of their lives. It offers a paradigm of how the brain works (neuro), about how language interacts with the brain (linguistic) and how we use this interaction to get the results we want for ourselves and others (programming).
NLP is an effective, proven vehicle for accelerated human change, radically altering the ‘old way’ of lengthy psychotherapy.