It was a little over two years ago that I quit smoking. I never thought I would be able to quit! I smoked a pack a day! I never was one to smoke a whole cigarette, but I still went through a pack a day.
I was ready to leave the UK after a hellish journey in my life and I was headed to Australia. I had wanted to stop smoking for a long time, but I also knew how expensive smoking was in Australia and that I couldn’t purchase my favoured brand. They were an organic brand from the states, and I loved my cigarettes. I really did. They were my best buddies and constant companions. In Holland they were affordable and in Spain they were even cheaper if I managed to get hold of some on holidays. I thought I would always be addicted to my cigarettes and deep down often prayed that I could one day be strong enough to quit. They were there for me when I was having fun, when times were good and when times were bad.
I did my research and found a highly capable man who had cured a few celebrity clients that had advocated his success and all that jazz. I chose Max Kirsten.
I felt exactly the same as Ewan McGregor describes in this video – he went to Max Kirsten to have hypnotherapy. So that is what I decided I would do. I wanted to go to someone who I knew would be able to deliver the goods. Obviously he doesn’t only help with quitting smoking. There are a large number of hypnotherapy treatments he offers.
I clearly remember walking around the corner from Harrods about to have my last cigarette outside his front door just after 2pm in the afternoon. I emerged from this fascinating man’s office after spending over 3 hours being treated my him. He was warm, friendly, funny and above all – very capable. The hypnotherapy he gave me was tailored for me. Using situations and circumstances to assist me to cope with the drastic measure I was taking to improve my life. I was ready to let go of everything at the time. Toxic “friends”, toxic habits, toxic circumstances. You name it. It was all going! And gone it was.
I also had quit in what was possibly one of the most hideously stressful times I could clearly EVER recall. Shortly after that I had a cough for two months solid. I could not ever talk without barking and spluttering. I was detoxing my lungs in a epic way. Detoxing not just the tar and nicotine on my lungs but the whole situation I was emerging from. It was a very spiritual process for me. I was letting go of so much more than cigarettes. And two years later – I’m still smoke free. I gained some weight, which I am still in the process of shedding. But I’m on the road to perfect health and happiness. I always had excellent skin, and I now maintain that. My skin has never looked better. I am able to power walk up hills in no time at all. And my lung capacity has increased measurably. I am incredibly blessed to be as fit and healthy as I am. I also feel very blessed to have quit when I did and with Max Kirsten. I certainly chose the best for myself.
And I will end my blog off today with this.
If I can stop smoking – Anyone can stop smoking!
And that is a fact.